Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fathers and Sons

I took this route after a 4x4 got stuck in the mud going a different way. I was stuck here for a couple of hours before i just decided to give it another try. Carson was this muddy after about ten minutes. I don't know why I let him wear my jacket. We obviously weren't expecting it to be this wet. It rained the night before and most of the day that we arrived. The next day was beautiful. Carson and I had a great time. On Friday evening Carson and I and a few of his friends went out hiking. About 10 minutes after we turned around to head back, it started dumping buckets of rain on us. We were nearly soaked through when we got back to camp. The next day we went on the same hike, this time the original group was joined by a few more boys and their fathers. It was a great weekend.


Brian said...

We're a little jealous over here in Maryland (not of the rain...we've had plenty of that)...we haven't had a Fathers and Sons since we moved from California. What's funny is the boy scouts actually did a camp-out, but we didn't take that extra step to make it Fathers and Sons. Camping outings are the greatest bonding experience.

Krystin said...

looks like a fun outing! kyle is on his super activity with the teachers as we speak, for the weekend, fishing! hopefully it will be better weather for them - darn it!
so many birthdays! i can't believe how big your kids are getting! they sure are super cute :) and WEIRD!! Kiehra doesn't have any teeth yet either... so crazy.
hope your cute fam is doing great, we sure do miss the people of buckeye.

Bridgette said...

Darice, Where have you been? I miss you!

Andrew Bosley said...

Sounds like tons of fun!!! Looks like you're a popular dad, Ryan. You're a good man, bro! Love you guys!


Watson Family said...

Oh, to only have some of that rain down here right now, eh? :)