Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cambryn's Birthday- May 26

Cambryn's 6th birthday was the day after school got out.  She is still just as tiny as ever, stubborn, a little moody, super helpful(when she wants to be) and a complete delight!  It's kind of all or nothing with her- you get totally happy and agreeable or stubborn and defiant.  We all woke her up by singing to her, Ryan had to work that day :(  I took her to get donuts for breakfast, just the two of us.  Then we went and picked up cake mix and frosting.  Cambryn had some birthday money to spend and so we went to Target and she chose a new toy, while we were there we also picked up party stuff for her birthday party. 

The rest of us did our Saturday jobs.  In our family, on your birthday, you don't have to help clean at all!  We ended up getting McDonalds for lunch and eating at the park.  That night for dinner we had pizza, cake, sang to her and she opened her presents.  She had been requesting these two movies for a long time- she was SO happy when she opened them.  We watched one of them that night.  The last picture is a little cupcake dog she helped pick out.  

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